TPG 006 | Why Worship Builds Humility | Humility Builds Character

On today's episode, Jimmy talks about...

What does Worship mean?

The word worship in Hebrew is Shachah. This word is used 165 times in the Old Testament. Shachah is translated into worship 83 times in the Old Testament, the other 92 times it is translated into a form of physical surrender such as bowing down.

3 Ways Worship Builds Humility.
1. Surrendering (bowing down) to a God builds humility
2. Putting God first means to put people first
3. Submitting our will to God builds humility

Bible Verse:
Psalms 5:7 (NASB)
"But as for me, by Your abundant lovingkindness I will enter Your house, At Your holy temple I will bow in reverence for You"